Copyright and related rights

We help creators and authors in securing their proprietary copyrights, also at the stage of their sale (including – preparation of contracts transferring copyrights), or accession to the conclusion of license agreements (including preparation of license agreements). Preparation of publishing contracts, preparation of production contracts, preparation of concert contracts – also remains within the services provided by our Law Firm. We verify the commitments concluded so far, to secure the best interests of our Clients.

In this segment of the Law Firm’s activity, we also support entrepreneurs, often already at the stage of choosing the legal form of business entity, activities related to – registration of the trademark but also negotiations with future contractors.
We represent the creators both at the stage of pre-trial proceedings and jurisdictional proceedings.

Feel free to contact us via contact form available in the Contact tab or by phone with our office to schedule the most convenient time for a meeting 71 372-38-72.